Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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204 lines
- Registered:
0x8002xxxx Busy.mcc,p Aminet: dev/gui/MCC_Busy2_0.lha
| This is a MUI custom class which should be displayed if a MUI
| application is busy. Any boring 'waiting...' requester must be
| replaced with this BusyObject, which includes several nice styles to
| shorten the time of waiting.
> Tron.mcc,p Aminet: dev/mui/MCC_Tron0_6.lha
| For educational purpose. Source included.
> Listtree.mcc,p
> Bookmarks.mcc
> Crawling.mcc
\___ Klaus Melchior,kmel@eifel.oche.de
0x8057xxxx Mailtext.mcc,p Aminet: dev/mui/MCC_Mailtext.lha
| The Mailtext package (consiting of the class Mailtext.mcc and the
| MUI-3 prefs-plugin Mailtext.mcp) may be used as a substitution for
| MUI's Floattext to handle font attributes in email, i.e. *bold*,
| /italics/, _underline_ and #coloured#. If it finds these attributes,
| the text between them will be displayed with this attribute.
| Mailtext may also highlight quoted textpassages introduced by a given
| set of quotecharacters.
\___ Olaf Peters,olf@informatik.uni-bremen.de
0x81EExxxx MonthNavigator.mcc,p Aminet: dev/mui/MCC_MonthNavi.lha
| MUI public custom class showing a field with the days of a specified
| month in a specified year.
| The user decides if the names of the weekdays and the numbers of the
| weeks will be shown. Also it is possible for the user to set which
| weekday should be the day on which a week was started - the language
| for the weekday names can also be chosen.
| A special feature of this class is, that it correctly handles October
| 1582. In this months the days 5-14 didn't exist, because they were
| removed by the Gregorian calendar reform. This calendar reform happens
| in different years for different countries, so the user can set his
| country with the user preferences.
> DateString.mcc
| DateString.mcc allows an easy handling of date strings. It uses
| locale.library to parse the date strings (if available) and lets the
| developer specify a range within which the date must fall.
> TimeString.mcc
| TimeString.mcc allows an easy handling of time strings. It uses
| locale.library to parse the time strings (if available) and lets the
| developer specify a range within which the time must fall.
\___ Kai Hofmann,i07m@zfn.uni-bremen.de
0x86afxxxx TWiClass
| This is a C++-Library for MUI. You need a C++ Compiler
| which understands templates and exceptions.
\___ Thomas Wilhelmi,willi@twi.rhein-main.de
0x9519xxxx Icon.mcc
| MUI public custom class which allows use of an icon's render and
| select images for display in a gadget. Depending on the gadget's
| select state the appropriate image will be displayed.
\___ Russell Leighton,russ@sneezy.lancaster.ca.us
0xAA12xxxx ColorButton.mcc Aminet: util/libs/MUI-ASL.lha
| GadTools-like palette gadget that allows you to choose a color from a
| given set, usually the screen palette.
| MUI handles color selection in a more abstract way, but then you might
| need to do things as they used to be.
> DispModeList.mcc Aminet: util/libs/MUI-ASL.lha
| A list of available display modes.
> FileList.mcc Aminet: util/libs/MUI-ASL.lha
| MUI's Dirlist didn't suit all my needs, so here it is: FileList is
| basically a clone of Dirlist, but with some more methods and
| attributes (and some missing attributes too, but they were not that
| useful).
> FontDisplay.mcc Aminet: util/libs/MUI-ASL.lha
| Display a given font's appearance. You can set font name, size and
| style, and you can change foreground and background pens. A simple
| Text object wasn't enough because MUIA_Font is I.G.
> FontList.mcc Aminet: util/libs/MUI-ASL.lha
| A list of available fonts. This list can be connected to a numeric
| list (see NumericList) for displaying available font sizes.
> NumericList.mcc Aminet: util/libs/MUI-ASL.lha
| A list of LONG values.
> NumericString.mcc Aminet: util/libs/MUI-ASL.lha
| This is a subclass of Group class which features a numeric string and
| two arrow buttons for incrementing/decrementing the numeric value, as
| other platforms' numeric strings have.
| This class understand almost all String attributes, plus some Numeric
| class attributes and methods that let NumericString behave like a real
| numeric string gadget should.
| There are at least three numeric input classes available in MUI, but
| some applications could need a traditional string gadget because the
| acceptable range of input values doesn't fit well in the limits of a
| slider or a knob.
\___ Flavio Stanchina,flavio@iestn.inet.it
0x81bexxxx MathString.mcc
| A String subclass that accepts complex math expressions (with
| different measuring units, functions, constants) and computes the
| corresponding value.
\___ Vincenzo Gervasi,gervasi@di.unipi.it
0x9d51xxxx NList.mcc
> NListview.mcc
> NListviews.mcp
| This is a MUI_List/MUI_Listview class clone which handle horizontal
| horizontal scrolling with their own prefs.
\___ Gilles MASSON, masson@alto.unice.fr
- Candidates, not registered:
0x8002xxxx Explorer.mcc,p
\___ Klaus Melchior,kmel@eifel.oche.de
0x8715xxxx NewString.mcc,p
\___ Ruediger Sopp,rsopp@ernie.mi.uni-koeln.de
0x8516xxxx StringNumeric.mcc
> ToolBar.mcc
> ToolButton.mcc
\___ Oliver Wagner,olli@lsd.wupper.de
0x8397xxxx TextField.mcc,p
\___ Karl Bellve,
0x898fxxxx SoundBox.mcc
| SoundBox class may be used to produce/emit any kind of sound from
| within the MUI application. Internally supports IFF-8SVX sample format
| but utilizes datatype system under OS3.0 or better to let you use
| other formats as well. SoundBox contains few synthetic sounds built-in
| (various beeps etc...) as well as predefined most popular events
| support like NOTICE, FAIL, REQUEST etc. Due to preference plug-in user
| can easily decide what kind of sound (synthetic/sampled, set the
| volume etc) he/she wants for what event or just disable the event if
| it starts to annoy. Home page: dedal.man.szczecin.pl/~carlos/MCC
> ProTracker.mcc,p
| ProTracker class may be used to replay well known music modules stored
| in ProTracker module file (this format is the only one supported now,
| but it'll change in future). MCP module lets user define all important
| default values or even disable player if it starts to annoy.
| Home page: dedal.man.szczecin.pl/~carlos/MCC
\___ Marcin Orlowski,carlos@dedal.man.szczecin.pl
0x81EExxxx AppNavigator.mcc
| A PageStream3 like navigator giving the user a door to an application
| online help system, a guided tour as well as hints.
| It will also be possible to open documents or create new ones from
| the navigator.
> Clock.mcc,p
| A clock object can display running and fixed time to the user and also
| allows the user to select a time.
| The preference will support different views like analog and digital.
> Timer.mcc,p
| A timer that can also work as a countdown timer, supporting different
| views like: hour-glass, candle etc.
> TimeLine.mcc,p
| With a TimeLine object the user can set a point or a range of time.
| The developer can restrict the time range by which the user can make his
| selections. A minimum and a maximum for time ranges can also be defined.
| It will also be possible to display more than one time range by using
| different colors.
> TimeScale.mcc
| A TimeScale object generates a time scale with a maximum of 24 hours.
| A good place for such an object is - for instance - next to TimeLine
| objects (without a scale) to create a weekly overview.
| Depending on how much space is available, the scale will be more or less
| detailed.
| Due to MUI's automatic layout system, you don't need to worry about its
| size. When placed in a group just below or beside the object(s) you might
| want to scale, everything will be ok.
\___ Kai Hofmann,i07m@zfn.uni-bremen.de
- Info:
* To get an example C source for MCCs and MCPs
* To get more informations about MCCs or MCPs
-> Write to: mccreg@sasg.com
-> or better, take it from aminet: dev/mui/MCC_Tron0_6.lha
* To get information about the classes
-> Write to the author, not me!